A few days ago I thought I left for a journey. Instead, true adventure is what I got. It's only been a few days since I left, and in those few days, I feel like I've traveled through valleys of fear and panic - to find myself being completely ecstatic just a few hours later. It's been a journey of extreme highs and lows so far and since I've got so many sweet soul-friends asking how I'm doing, I thought I'd share parts of my journey here.
Before I left the Netherlands, I prayed. I asked the Universe for a smooth journey, without problems. I asked the Universe for a journey where I would feel safe at all times. And I asked for enjoyment. Before leaving I had to look at the many fears that came to the surface - after having been 'at home' because of my health for over 6 years, it was a huge step to cross an ocean and drive through England all by myself. I've traveled the world before, but this time I felt like I was asking the impossible of myself. And maybe I was, but somehow I had to do it.
Right after arrival, I got confronted with the theme I had been so specific about: feeling safe at all times. I booked a campsite on the forehand so that I wouldn't have to search for one, after arriving with the boat in the evening. Once I got there I realized that this campsite was nothing more than the parking space of a pub, with a plug for electricity. When I asked about the nice grass patches and trees I had seen on the website, the woman told me: 'No they're for tents only, you can't get there with the camper'. My belly immediately told me this wasn't safe, but tired as I was I decided it would just be for a night and that I would be okay. Until I lay in bed and realized that it wasn't. I ended up calling several hotels at 11.30 pm, until I found one that could still accommodate me. At that moment I felt terrible, but afterward I could see that this was an instant reminder of the intention I set at the beginning of the journey: to keep myself safe at all times. An instant reminder of the responsibility I have, for myself.
I had given myself a few days to drive all the way down to Cornwall, without really having a plan. I had decided to take it really slow, and maybe just drive a few hours a day. But after having slept well in my hotel I managed to drive around London (my god that's busy!) and after having found a nice campsite I felt drawn to visit Stonehenge. I'd been passing it so many times when I visited Cornwall, but I never actually stopped to visit.
I hadn't been reading up about Stonehenge, I vaguely knew some stories about the place but I decided to go and feel for myself. In the past few years, I've become incredibly sensitive to feeling different energies and so I knew that I just needed to trust my own guidance in visiting this place. And wow, I barely have words for what I experienced there. As soon as I started to walk up the hill, I felt the energy change. The closer I got, the more I felt like something was vibrating underneath my feet. Holy moly, I'd never felt such a thing in my life.
In this blog (and from now on) I will be writing about some things that not everyone might understand: energies, former lives, frequencies, guides, even angels, maybe. They might sound foreign to you, but they're the thing that I have found to be closest to who I am in the past few years. I've just kept them in because I thought people would call me crazy. Well, feel free to do so. I'll share them anyways.
So, as soon as I entered the space around the stone circle, I felt high energies coming in. And with that I mean.. beyond words. I started downloading information about my life, seeing it from a different perspective - glimpsing at life beyond the mind. I looked at the stones and it was as if I could see the light coming in right from the sky - this place was clearly a portal, a place where the highest frequency energies can enter the planet. I have never ever in my life experienced such a thing. It was so so strong - I just don't have words. My hand just kept writing things down, I was in direct communication with whatever it was all the time - receiving receiving receiving. It was mindblowing. It was here that I heard loud and clear that I needed to start sharing my experiences through writing.
So after having felt absolutely ecstatic for those few hours (I stayed for quite a bit), I got back to the car, to discover that a red light had decided to show on my dashboard. Now, I'm not a person with any knowledge about cars at all, but I do know that a red light means: stop, not good. Don't keep driving. And so there I was, half of my head still vibrating high in the energies I just received - and also staring at a red light on the dashboard of the car. That's where my next adventure started, which you can
read more about in my next blog!